Monday, March 06, 2006

One year ago...

I was sitting at my desk, gnawing on my fingernails, taking Tums for the gurgling acid in my belly, & shaking from the inside out. Why? Because it was the last night of voting for round 5 of the American Title contest. The last night before I'd know if I got my dream or not.

In the long run, I won the contest, but Lois & I both got our dream---we both sold our books & that was the reason for being in the contest to begin with. To walk into a bookstore & see a book you've written on the shelf. It's a heady sensation. A dream come true for real.

Tonight, I'm introspective and a bit weepy, but just wanted to say that I'm getting all the weepy stuff out of the way tonight, because like one year ago March 7th, tomorrow is going to be one of celebration & good times!!! I'm going to be doing give-aways to members of my readers group!! so make sure you're a member! Join at
because I'm giving away lots of great prizes!!

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