I'm working on revisions for my third medical romance. Have I mentioned how much I adore my editor at Mills & Boon? She's so great and really focuses in on ways to make the story better. I should finish the revisions this weekend and have them turned in by Monday morning. Before the moving starts--yea!
On July 10th, I go to Dallas for a week. Yes, this is when my family is moving. Going to be very interesting to come home and it be a different home. We've been in our current house for fifteen years and my children haven't known anywhere else. Lots of happy and sad emotions go into leaving our current home. Anyway, Dallas. :) It's time for the RWA National conference which means I'll get to hang out with lots of really cool romance authors and industry professionals. AND I GET TO SEE MY FRIENDS. Most of my bestest friends in the world are romance authors. Unfortunately most of us live in different states and only see each other in person a few times a year. On the 10th I get to see my buds and I'm soooo looking forward to seeing them.
I've sold my fifth book since my last post. :) I'm not sure of release dates and such, but I'm really excited at the prospect of having another book come out during the next year . The Doctor's Pregnancy Bombshell comes out in November and I'll likely have a cover within the next month or so. Waiting for a cover is like wondering what your kids are going to look like because each and every story an author writes is a 'baby'.
It's late and I'm rambling on, but I wanted to try to ketch-up a little and to let my pals who read my blog in on what's going on in my life, basically, the moving bug. :)
YAY on the 5th book and on moving. My friend Cindi's husband moved into her first house when she was in the hospital having a baby. He moved into their second house while she was in the hospital having a baby. When she got pregnant with her third baby, she called and said, "So we're going house hunting...."
I tell you, what people do to get out of moving ;)
LOL! Too funny. I'd rather move, though, than have another kid. 4 is enough. :)
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