Monday, August 21, 2006

Back to work...

Well, sadly, my time off is over and I went back to work today. Although, admittedly, I suppose the sadness is subjective as I had a lot of "Hallelujahs!" to the fact I'd returned from patients.

I've still been preparing for the Breast Cancer 3 Day. I'm $600 toward my goal, but have a LONG way to go. For more information on how you can donate & make a difference in fighting breast cancer copy and paste the following into your browser:
Personal Page Link:

I'd recap what I intended to do while off & what I did over my time off tonight but I'm too tired. It was a long day & my daughter is asking me to read "Amber Brown is not a Crayon" to her so I'm off to read.

Here's Johnny to entertain you in the meantime.

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