Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Had my first turkey dinner tonight and several more to go before the weekend finishes. Tonight's meal was with my in-laws and was YUMMY. :) I'm cooking tomorrow & making non-traditional stuff--barbecue ribs, homemade mashed potatoes, macaroni & cheese, homemade rolls, broccoli & cheese, & a homemade pie...probably buttermilk although I have stuff to make apple, too. Cause we have my parent's to go to on Saturday & will have turkey. & my Grandparents on Sunday & will have turkey. Thought something different would be nice. How about the rest of you? Do you do anything non-traditional on Thanksgiving? Of course, in the original Thanksgiving day meal they had lobster and clams along with their wild turkey. :)

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Terri Garey said...

All traditional here, mainly because I LOVE turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie! (all of which I made) Can't stand cranberries, though. Ick.

I can smell the turkey roasting as I type. Yum.

Happy eating, Janice!

Anonymous said...

We go totally traditional here (yes, even a turkey lol). The few times I've tried to change the menu, my daughter calls her uncle and sics him on me. Needless to say, I can make Thanksgiving dinner in my sleep.